Gmail users must remain vigilant as scammers turn to a new tactic to catch them out. Billions of Gmail users across the globe should be on high alert and watch out for a sophisticated new scam that could be ‘devastating’ if successful. With most email users now much better at spotting scams and fake emails, cyber crooks […]
Tag: A.I.
Introduction to Microsoft 365 Copilot
Regular readers of our blog are aware that we do not use any form of A.I. to create content. As we have a long and significant amount of experience in content creation, we are able to meet any request for content creation in a given timescale. In todays fast moving business environment, small business owners […]
A.I. and Phishing Emails
As 2024 comes to a close we thought an article to help our subscribers address in a small part the use of A.I. and emails by people with criminal intent. Many of our clients ask what is a phishing email? Microsoft define Phishing (pronounced: fishing) as an attack that attempts to steal your money, or your […]